My general assumption, from the response I’ve gotten on social media over this last week, is that I'm not the only gal who struggles with feeling less-than. I’m not the only person who lies to myself about who I am and what the world might see when they look at me.
One friend even suggested they were no longer whispers of lies, but screams.
Sure these lies come from a partial reality - that’s how Satan works best. Either we’ve failed, we've sinned, or hurt someone and instead of letting that be something we did, it becomes who who we are.
Here's what we need to remember : When the presence of sin, yours or the world's, determines your worthiness, you will always come up short. But how do we stop this vicious cycle?
I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching over the past year and the first thing we have to do in the battle against deception is to know who we are. That’s why I started this sort of social media ministry. Because we seem to have a problem with listening to everyone else’s version of the story. And that’s what we have to change.
The voice of the world has to become smaller than the voice of God
God tells us over and over again in scripture that we are redeemed, beautiful daughters of the King. He demonstrates His love for us by sending His own son to die for us - for YOU - on the cross. No matter what you’ve done, what season you are living through, what sin you are repenting from - HE COVERED IT. You are redeemed, holy, righteous and perfect in His sight.
And YOU are absolutely worth all of it. He came for YOU. Even if you were the only person here on this earth, He would come to pursue YOU.
Yes, even you.
Shake off the lies of what was and put on the clothing of what is.
God is good, He is faithful, holy, pure, righteous and He is fighting for YOU today. Do we deserve Him? No. But we can claim Him because He first claimed us, and friend, THAT makes you worth it.
Name it today. Name your worth, your value, your status in the Kingdom. Relish it, live in it and don’t let anyone (even your own lies) tell you that you are less than who God says you are.