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Facing an Enemy of Death and Darkness

Writer: Becky LeachBecky Leach

There is no doubt in my mind that Satan has one plan for my life and yours. Destruction.

He wants to drag you into that darkness, inch by inch, not all at once. He draws us in moment after moment - tempting us where we're the absolutely most vulnerable. And when we finally realize we’re stuck in a place we never intended to be, Satan keeps us there with accusations of shame and guilt.

We like to play the blame game with ourselves, especially in our dark seasons. Retracing our steps, we try to calculate exactly how it is that we came to be in this place. My personal favorites in this conversation are, "I SHOULD have ________” and “if only I had ________”, followed up with all the ways things would have turned out differently.

We all have our if only's.

If ONLY I had fought back harder.

If ONLY I had told quicker.

If ONLY I had walked away from that relationship.

If ONLY I had not gone back to the hotel room.

If ONLY I had said no... or yes.

The TRUTH that the enemy doesn’t want you to remember is that there is nothing helpful about going backward. There is absolutely NO WAY to know what would have happened if you had not done this or that. There is such wisdom in looking back to learn from mistakes, but living in the 'might have been' is never the way out of the darkness.

Finally, be strong in the lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:10-12

Satan absolutely has a plan for you, but so does God. And HE is the one who holds the power to take the darkest parts of our lives and exchange them for the light.

So before you argue yourself out of it, standing convinced your personal darkness is worse than what God signed up for with you, claim this over your life : You CAN overcome the darkness because JESUS did it first.

Let God shine into your heart today, coming in to expose the dark crevices and ANYTHING that is holding you back from the fullness He has designed for you.

And as you continue to walk out of the darkness and into the light, I want you to remember all the promises God has for you :

He loves you.

He has redeemed you.

He knows you.

He has plans for you.

He purposed you.

He already knows your darkness, friend, and these promises don't change. Scripture says that even the DARKNESS isn't dark to him. So risk it all, friend. It's worth it.



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