Much to my surprise, on this cold and cloudy day, I saw a little peek of neon green coming up from the ground. The sticks of my hydrangeas look dead and gone, but like I've sworn to my husband many times over, they are not dead. There is life happening constantly beneath the surface despite what we can see.
And yesterday this small little peek of green had me encouraged.
I don’t know what kind of season you are in, but you just might be walking through a personal season of winter. Whether it be relationship issues, parenting hardships, tragedy, trauma or grief, there are so many of us who feel like, for lack of a better phrase, life, as you knew it to be, is now over.
The comfort is gone, the routine is gone, your system that worked so well is now gone. But you know what? There is still life underneath the surface for you. Even if you can't see it or possibly comprehend what God might bring out of this winter season, He tells us that He is constantly doing something new for us.
Won't you allow Him to do something new today? Won't you see it?
I know it’s hard to not get stuck where you are. I know the old is comfortable, the way you’ve always done it seems best, but what if it’s time to move forward? What if the spring that is on its way is brilliant and beyond your wildest dreams?
Be encouraged, dear sister, not only that spring is coming, but that God has purpose in the winter. It's where the hard work is done, the stuff no one else sees. The kind that's just between you and the Lord. Think about all the miraculous things that take place under the ground during winter. Think about all the crazy good things God is working out behind the scenes of your life, unbeknownst to you in your winter!
"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Isaiah 43:19