What I need in this summer season, like so many of you, is rest.
I'm not talking about the kind that means sitting on the couch, binging Netflix, and eating chocolate-covered pretzels all day - although some days, that is most definitely what I want. I'm talking about the deep down, soul-quenching rest that enables me to show up for my life all over again.
And the answer to the rest I need is Jesus.
It's not sleeping more, doing less, or creating space for quiet. It's not turning off the television, taking a walk, or reading a new book. While all of these things are good - and would likely help - I've finally begun to realize that the thing that refreshes my soul the most is more time spent with the King of my heart: Jesus.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew 11:27-30
Let me ask you this question: Where do you go when you need rest?
When I need rest, I go to Instagram.
When I need rest, I go to food.
When I need rest, I go to wine.
When I need rest, I go to sleep.
But Jesus says when I need rest, I should come to him.

Jesus says that HE provides the rest our souls need. It doesn't sound exciting. It doesn't sound like the quick fix I want when I feel absolutely exhausted by the world. But what if we tried it just for the next few days.
For the past few months, I've mindlessly scrolled through Instagram throughout my day. It's not because I'm wondering what is happening or even paying attention to what other people are doing. It's because I'm numbing out. I'm escaping the difficulty of life.
But I never walk away refreshed. I never walk away lifted or encouraged. I only walk away more drained than when I came.
The Lord has tapped my heart, though, and asked me to seek him instead. And the funny thing is that the more I seek him, the more I want him. The more I want him, the more my heart is refreshed in him.
And I want to challenge you to do the same thing and see if you don't experience the same result.
Are you weary and worn down? Are you exhausted and overworked? Are you spiritually dry and in need of encouragement?
Draw close to Jesus and see what he does for you.
God told Jeremiah, "You will call to me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:12-13).
We serve that same God, friend. We serve a God that listens to us, and that can be found by us... when we search for him.
He is waiting to refresh our souls. He is waiting to give us rest and carry our burdens. He is waiting to meet us at the point of our need in ways we could never imagine.
Let's take him up on that offer this week. Let's come to him and rest.