Speaking truth over my dear husband as he entered his last legislative session.
"I am not enough. I will never be good enough. I am lazy. I can’t get there. I won’t get there."
Lies I often tell myself - and I bet, if you’re honest - there are similar lies you whisper too, if not these exact ones.
So many lies that creep in our minds daily. Lies that too often fill our thoughts, making their way into our hearts and ultimately infiltrating us at our calling. Unfortunately, I have battled these lies for years, but I have found a powerful way to combat them and that is speaking truth over each other.
Whether we admit it or not, seeds of insecurity float around inside of us. We are doubtful about our purpose, our job, our mission, our pursuit, career, family, marriage. We look at all of the “perfect people” on social media, in our magazines, on television and it can’t help but color how we feel about ourselves.
Of course, scripture is a powerful tool to wash over these lies and insecurities, but sometimes it is helpful to see ourself through someone else's eyes... to look at who we are as they do. As we step out of ourselves, we gain a much clearer picture of who we are and where we are heading. Dusting off the places that have become engrossed in insecurity, we allow truth to cover us instead.
About this time last year, we travelled to New York City with some of our best friends. The last night we were there we took them to one of our very favorite restaurants in the city, La Sirena. (If you ever travel there, promise me you’ll go and get their meatballs… to die for.) We sat around the table and somehow we all started to go around and recap our year and dream for the 2018.
I can’t remember exactly what everyone said, but I remember sitting there in a beautiful restaurant with tears streaming down my face, confessing aimlessness and anxiety going forward on mission. I had know idea what God was doing in my life, where He wanted me to go, how to even put one foot in front of the other. And one by one, my sweet and dear friends spoke Truth over me. They told me what they saw in me. They told me what I am good at, affirmed my calling and mission over me. They encouraged me, challenged me and spurred me on.
It was beautiful & powerful, filling my conflicted soul to overflowing. This is the power of honoring our people.
We might not have any idea what lies our closest friends are whispering over themselves, but we know that they are whispering. And we have the power to come alongside of them, intentionally spurring them on. We have the power to wrap them up in the truth of who God says they are, who we see them to be and who they are becoming.
Friend, this is what we can be doing in our homes and around our tables. We can very easily take our conversations about the cowboys game and although that is also important, we start intentionally dreaming together and working things out. Our home can create an environment for honor and truth for our communities, families and friends.
Our world needs more TRUTH in place of the lies. Our children, our friends, our families desperately need encouragement... I need encouragement. We can take opportunities the holiday season gives us - the New Year even - and challenge our brothers & sisters to keep going, living fully in the purpose and passion God has given them in their lives.
Find someone who needs a cheerleader today. Someone who needs truth whispered in their life... not that they are perfect or doing everything right, but that they are heading the right way. That you see God's grace, mercy and PURPOSE in them. Whether this is one of your children, your spouse, your parents, your neighbor. Take time out today to hold someone's face in your hands and say "You've got this! You are going to kill it today! Keep your head up! I see you!"
As you gather around tables for the holidays and other celebrations, create this kind of environment. The kind where intentional & motivating conversation is second nature. Where toasting and truth telling is natural. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but with you leading the way others will follow and you all will be blessed for it!