Pizza is my love language, y'all. There is no two ways about it. Ever since Jeff and I have been married, we have had a designated pizza night every dang week. When we first got married, we lived by Campisi's (where the assasination of JFK was planned, according to dallas legend) and we would go on a little date there every Thursday. Now, obviously, that was before we had kids.
We then graduated to Little Cesar's five dollar pizzas when our kids were super little. There ain't nothing wrong with a Little Cesar's breadstick, y'all. And then we moved onto Papa Murphy's - which was slightly more upscale from the completely processed pizza we had been eating.
Eventually, we landed here - homemade pizza. Weekly.
Now, first I want to spare you from thinking I make homemade pizza for everyone in my family, because you'd just be wrong about that. The good stuff is just for us. Our kids get their own party pizzas for $1.50 from Kroger. Boom. #winning.
You are in luck today, my friends, because I'm going to be sharing with you all things PIZZA and deliciousness today.
****DISCLAIMER : Pizza is NOT on the paleo diet. I mean, duh, right? But since I did let you know that I was trying to eat that way, I wanted to put a little disclaimer here so you're just SURE that I know that YOU know that it's not Paleo. And yes, I still eat it. That's why I am paleo-ish.****

Pizza Peel - this makes getting a homemade pizza a breeze to get in and out of the oven
Baking Stone - this is the newest addition to my pizza making arsenal
Pizza Cutter
Cornmeal - this is for dusting the pizza stone and peel so the unbaked crust won't stick
First thing is first ya'll - because you have to start with a good foundation, am I right? I normally forget it's Thursday until Jeff is on his way home and asks "what pizza are we having tonight?" So let me give you a few options here.
Here is a good pizza dough from none other than the Pioneer Woman herself. It's delicious and we've made it a few times, but like she notes - you have to think a bit ahead for this one.
Also a good pizza dough if you're a planner is this one.
But this is the dough I use most often because we do love a good whole wheat crust and one that is ready essentially in an hour or less. I have made this at least twenty times and every time it is fail proof. (Elise doesn't specify this, but I do use the RAPID RISE yeast in the recipe).
And if you're super last minute, but still want homemade pizza, pick up the Boboli whole wheat crust from the store. It's almost homemade and tastes super delicious.

The second most important part of the pizza is the cheese, of course. Most recipes that you find will just say mozzarella, one or the other, but I find that the BEST use of cheese is a combination of these three.
Full Fat Mozzarella Ball
Shredded Mozzarella
Pecorino Romano instead of Parmesean (I find it just has a little nuttier flavor than Parm).
Now, of course, there are so many different ways to go with this, but this is my blog so I am going to share with you how I do it.
First, preheat your stone in the oven PRIOR to getting the pizza dough rolled out.
After you've rolled out your pizza dough onto a cornmeal crusted pizza peel, take a tablespoon or two of your sauce and spread a light layer. Then place the largest topping, like pepperoni, on first. Break up the balled mozzarella and spread out over the pepperoni (or other topping).
Next, place the rest of the toppings on top. Sprinkle some shredded mozzarella over the toppings and dot some more sauce around for good measure.
The next step is the most essential of all : salt, pepper and garlic powder. I like to crack a LOT of pepper on top, a little salt and add a pinch of garlic powder. This will make all the difference.
Cook the pizza according to the recipe's directions. When you take it out of the oven all hot and bubbly, top quickly with a little fresh basil, grated pecorino and more cracked pepper.
And then enjoy your perfectly homemade, deliciously cheesy pizza.