When Jeff headed into session, I was so excited about making Wednesdays my bread baking day. I had the house to myself for the morning so I wouldn't have any little hands wanting to help and accidentally spilling the flour, thus making us have to remeasure. (Not that I know that from experience or anything).
My sweet sister in law gave me this cook book for Christmas and I planned out my course of action and gave it the best try I could.

Although I did not make them all - I did make quite a few, and several of them I made more than once. I baked for other people, I gifted loaves of bread and rolls, and my kids took them to school for lunch on more than one occasion.
Bread used to seem so daunting to me. It's an exact science, for sure, but based on my latest experience, there is a little more room for error than I ever thought. I am definitely not a perfectionist and tend to cook by handfuls instead of measuring spoons, but when I took the time to carefully plan, I found I did better than I thought I would.

All in all, it was such a wonderful experience and plan to continue working on my bread baking skills in the future - once the poundage from the weekly bread dates comes off! *wink*. My favorite thing was the Kaiser Rolls while my kids were the ballpark pretzels and the donuts (of course)!
I encourage everyone who is thinking about trying bread baking to grab a copy of this book. It's excellent for beginners and will take you through to when you're a fab bread baker!! (No, this is not an ad - just a real life recommendation). Now, go grab the book for yourself and get to baking some bread!