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Becky Leach
Aug 22, 20175 min read
The Exception
"Now Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statues of his father David, except he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places." 1...

Becky Leach
Aug 17, 20172 min read
Spicy Quick Pickles
Alright y'all! This is one of the most awaited (and requested) recipes I've had to date! These are a HUGE hit in our house and with our...

Becky Leach
Aug 15, 20175 min read
A Forty Day Break
For several months, maybe even a year, I felt a prompting to take a break from social media. I’ve argued with God over this because,...

Becky Leach
Aug 14, 20174 min read
Changing Hate
I saw a post on Instagram yesterday that said, "The opposite of love isn't hate. It's indifference." This quote stuck with me yesterday...

Becky Leach
Jul 19, 20173 min read
Painting Classes : OPEN REGISTRATION
I am beyond thrilled to open up two painting classes in August for y'all! This has been on my heart for quite some time and last month I...

Becky Leach
Jun 26, 20174 min read
Love Jesus then Do What You Love
Maybe I am alone in this, but for a significant portion of my spiritual life, I longed for a "more spiritual" gift. Somehow I got it into...

Becky Leach
Jun 23, 20172 min read
A Bread Baking Adventure
When Jeff headed into session, I was so excited about making Wednesdays my bread baking day. I had the house to myself for the morning so...

Becky Leach
Jun 22, 20172 min read
A Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich
Y'all. These are just about the easiest treats you can make and your kiddos (or your guests) will think that you are SUPER close to being...

Becky Leach
Jun 20, 20174 min read
Digging in the Word
I've gotten several questions recently about what book I read during my quiet time in the morning. The Bible. And that's not a flippant...

Becky Leach
Jun 19, 20172 min read
A New Beginning
It might seem silly, but I actually am incredibly saddened to lose my beloved space of nearly four years. It has been home to my most...
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