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Becky Leach
Sep 1, 20192 min read
Sabbath Six
In an attempt to practice sabbath in our home and in my heart, these are six things I will focus on today...

Becky Leach
Aug 29, 20193 min read
Meeting God in Scripture
Gosh, y’all, THIS is why we read the Old Testament. I have missed nuggets like this for SO many years because I told myself this part of...

Becky Leach
Aug 21, 20192 min read
When God's Plan is Frustrating
Do you ever get frustrated while reading the Bible? I’m sure that’s not necessarily something I’m supposed to say, but sometimes I find...

Becky Leach
Aug 16, 20193 min read
4 Easy Ways to Create Margin
What if margin is less about where we use our yes and no, and more about being all in wherever we are? What if margin is actually created by

Becky Leach
Jun 21, 20194 min read
Turning Off the Hustle
Whether you are a young mom, a single college student or a busy grandparent, the summer tends to be a bright spot for everyone. We look...

Becky Leach
Jun 6, 20194 min read
Why Me?
It doesn’t take long to figure out I have a fear of flying. I looked it up and it's an actual thing, y'all. It's called aviophobia. In...

Becky Leach
May 26, 20195 min read
Go, Tell, Trust, Wait | 4 Lessons from Session
This legislative session came and went faster than our other three. As I have reflected on these last 150 days, I have asked myself what...

Becky Leach
May 20, 20194 min read
Finding God Where You Are
It doesn’t take long to figure out that I have a phobia of flying. Now, in the last year or so as I’ve been flying more frequently, I...

Becky Leach
May 13, 20193 min read
Do The Thing
So, friend, it’s confession time. I am not the girl who runs hard after something. As Jenn Barrett might put it, I’m the dreamer not...

Becky Leach
May 2, 20193 min read
Huge + Crazy Prayers
I’m not this girl - I’m not this person, y’all. This morning, I prayed this crazy, huge very specific prayer over my life. I rarely pray...
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